On May 10, 1986, 21 year old Joe Vomvulakis was gunned down in the process of beinfg a Good Samaritan. His brother, Chris, has struggled all these years with trying to forgive his murderer. He says: " Every spiritual tradition, every psychology, every how-to, self-help book, all of them in some way talk about how the energy of forgiveness is healthy, how it is good for you, how it is a good habit. All things considered, there is no downside to forgiveness. In fact, what it does is it creates a new infinite quantum field of possibility in us because it releases the energy of resentment we were holding on to. Some people talk about how forgiveness energy creates in us the potential to be more prosperous. To me, forgiveness is not about forgiving Ken Luther for murdering my brother, but rather it is retaining the wisdom of what I learned through the experience and taking steps at the same time to release the pain that is associated with it." Full story click here.
At Century Anger Management, we teach that "forgiveness" is indeed one of the 8 core tools of anger management. You forgive for your mental health and peace of mind, not for the benefit of those toward whom you have a grievance. To learn the steps of forgiveness, download or purchase our new book "Anger Management for the twenty-first centuy - the eight tools of anger control."